Friday, February 4, 2011

MilSpouse Weekly Round-Up #22

I've been on the computer all day looking at some blogs from other military wives to get some ideas and my creative juices rolling. I ran into A LOT of blogs I can relate to. I cam across the "Milspouse weekly Round-up" and I felt like it was something I WOULD love to join. As I looked into all 36 blogs that were on there I got a little scared. For some reason, I felt like this was high school and these were the "mean girls" and I'm a newbie and they aren't going to accept me. I know it's only a computer, but I feel like my blog does not compare to theirs... But hey, it's time to take chance and I'm gonna go for it!

1 comment:

  1. I'm glad you linked up this week:) We're not mean at all!
