Monday, March 28, 2011

Operation Homecoming.

I've been on some sort of blogging hiatus due to writer's block! 
But, I'm back now!

Yesterday marked month 7 of deployment and it's finally coming to an end which means it's time to think about OPERATION HOMECOMING
This is my first deployment so I'm trying to take in everything I can to make it the best I can for me and Butler. Today, I heard from two of my friends who have already gone through 2 or 3 of them already. What I learned is:
-Parking is scarce and you need to be there early to get a spot.
-There will be benches on the pier and if you want to sit on them, gotta be there early.
-It may take the boat about 6 hours to actually show up.
-It takes forever for them to dock and to let the sailors off 
-And traffic will be ridiculous.
Now, this has ruined EVERYTHING I thought this would be! For some reason I have the fairytale that Butler gets off the boat, drops his sea bag and runs to me and the boys (well not that perfectly, but something of that nature.) 
Now my worries are what should I wear if rains, what time should I make my way to NOB, what am I gonna do with the boys while I wait, where should I park, wear is Butler's sea bag going (I drive a tiny neon with 2 car seats and a double stroller in the trunk), whose gonna take pics son on so forth.... This should have been something I should have started a month ago! We'll see how this goes!

In other news, my Monkey peed on the potty today!! I was SUPER excited!!! Hope this is a good start to potty training!! 

1 comment:

  1. Yay for potty training!! I've been putting that off with my oldest until after the stress of deployment is over!

    See if you can get a friend to go with you to help you with your boys and to take pictures! Can't help you with the long wait though...hehe it's the military after all...hurry up and wait! :)
